Our Process

A fully collaborative approach to designing and refining your Claris FileMaker custom database & operational solution. 

Data collection & reporting that provide management the real-time decision-making information to facilitate business efficiency and effectiveness.

Optimized UIX* design so staff operate in a seamless, tailored application workflow to manage and share up-to-date transactional data.

Custom integrations with other modern online resources and workforce solutions using FileMaker's intrinsic API capabilities. 

Windows, MacOS, Linux and iOS platform compatibility for the whole team on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

          *    User Interface Experience




Educate Clients on the rich set of available features in Claris products to collaboratively design custom apps and database solutions easily deployable to cloud hosting solutions.

Implement and deliver agreed app features that optimize management required workflows.  Provide training and documentation for deliverables consistent with industry best practices.

Why use Claris FileMaker?

Support clients with experienced guidance for HW & SW purchase / upgrade options, API integrations with web-services, system deployment choices / trade-offs, and ongoing constant-improvement feature development.

FileMaker has remained a robust and stable product for three+ decades. Developers love its agile development, users love its intuitive user interface.

                 Economical & flexible licensing model

                  Comprehensive technical feature set

                  Shortest elapsed time - concept to cloud app

                  Powerful reporting features including charts

                  Free iPad & iPhone client for mobile solutions