Our History

Ed and Natalie are Claris FileMaker™ developers who enjoy the process of solving complex business-ops problems by developing strategically tailored database applications for and with clients. 

36 years using FileMaker™ (a product of Claris™, a subsidiary of Apple™) has positioned us to understand its unique capabilities and effectively apply them to accomplishing your organizational goals.  

We understand and employ industry best-practices for optimal system architectures, and are experts at applying FileMaker's comprehensive advanced features to implement intuitive usage models for your staff.  Our project approach is to clearly identify and comprehend departmental work flows to ensure your database application is effectively streamlining your overall operations. 

Scott Resources' Claris FileMaker-based low-code solutions can model any organization's operational data, track any and all transactional activity specific to your organization, and provide complex text- and/or chart-based reports in aesthetic  company formats, all the while facilitating interdepartmental and customer communication.

Your result is higher staff morale, higher management situational awareness, happier customers and an overall organizational ability to do more with less.